). In Abl kinase domain, the amino acid residues at the corresponding positions are Gln and Val, respectively, providing no scope for 4 to covalently modify them, unlike a cysteine (36). Although the aromatic mustard motif is such that the alkylation ability would be low or absent, confirmation was required to exclude covalent modification as a possible mode of inhibition.
Самый точный вдобавок правильный подбор моторного масла по параметрам, которые заложены при проектировании двигателя инженерами, а не маркетологами.
In Belarusian and Ukrainian there is an apostrophe to indicate de-palatalization of the preceding consonant.
Еще одно перспективное толк - развитие международного сотрудничества в сфере донорства крови.
Instead, passengers are required to present a valid ticket to fare inspectors, who randomly patrol the network. If caught without a valid ticket, a passenger must pay a fine of €100 in addition to the full price of the ticket.[9]
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Инструкции по использованию комплекта для сертификации совместимости см.
В этом случае создается сбор выходных агрегированных тестов. Коллекция заключает все тесты, перечисленные в главной коллекции, хотя некоторые из них могут не иметь результатов.
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Не континент, а остров: новые версии о гибели Атлантиды
HSL oversees the operation of all public transportation in the Helsinki region. However, apart from select bus routes with electric units, the agency does not operate any rolling stock. Therefore, it relies mainly on independent contractors for the operation of the network.
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The food was fresh and the chicken had a nice crunch, even after being sauced. The fries were also great. Everything was perfect. Management was friendly and personable as well. If you get a chance, definitely stop by here and try out the food.